The Suite Life?

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'The Suite Life?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags author:guitar_hero_matt gtmdelist nnrpg no-tiles scrimmage unrated
Created 2008-12-30
Last Modified 2009-01-13
Map Data

Description Scrimmage against Erik-Player, again. Rules:

My rule: Must feature dronepaths as the main attraction.
Erik's Rule: Must not contain any tiles.


Actually I quite like this. Feedback appreciated.

Also my first ever map with disabled ratings, apart from my first ever map period, but that was an error :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '02~4: In The Pipeline' Thumbnail of the map '02~0: Battlestar Battlefront' Thumbnail of the map 'GTM's Festive Surprise' Thumbnail of the map '01~4: The Square Side Of The Hypotenuse' Thumbnail of the map '02~1: All Drones In Moderation' Thumbnail of the map '03~3: Cactus Citadel'
02~4: In The Pipeline 02~0: Battlestar Battlefront GTM's Festive Surprise 01~4: The Square Side Of The Hypotenuse 02~1: All Drones In Moderation 03~3: Cactus Citadel


Pages: (0)


Gameplay: 10/20
Aesthetics: 1/10
Originality: 1/10
Total: 12/40

Who's judging?

Because my level is ready too.


I wouldn't advertise, but my latest map was sniped and thus dropped off the page very quickly; could you take a look at it? I purposely made it freeform, which I'm sure you'll like :P
I don't really know what I would've rated it if you hadn't disabled ratings. Imo, this wasn't a very good submission for #250 lol

oh wait

no 3 for you :P


lost my balance >.<

surprisingly fun, hardly any innovation but its fun and practical.

Demo Data

You need to get involved in this thread [] by Jan 1st if you want to keep your reviewer status!


On NReality Speedruns
Demo Data


We approached way differently. I actually went through four levels before finding one I liked. :P


I havent seen anything like this on NUMA, well, ever.

Admittedly the bottom was inspired by one of amlt's maps, but the end product pays no resemblance.


Idk, seems like a generic map.
Really Easy.