orbis magnes

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'orbis magnes'

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Author toasters
Tags action author:toasters nnrpg playable rated
Created 2008-12-23
Last Modified 2008-12-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description For the Neditor Nation competiton.
Gym: lord_day

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'world in shades of black/white/toasters' Thumbnail of the map 'Chronicles: I' Thumbnail of the map 'suburban postmodernism' Thumbnail of the map 'mephisto's cafe' Thumbnail of the map 'miasma gardens' Thumbnail of the map 'castillo flotante'
world in shades of black/white/toasters Chronicles: I suburban postmodernism mephisto's cafe miasma gardens castillo flotante


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

frustrating demo #1

Demo Data
Demo Data


nevermind, there's a clear strategy to it.

Now it's too much of a bother to keep going back and forth between the exit switch area.

Second edit:

added a little spice to the exit key area.
Looking back, the exit switch is not nearly as momentous as I had wanted it to be, so I'm gonna try and make it a little more exciting.


dude, its a 2 week break now,

first shot demo

a g d, too.

This is nice. The layout of (potentially) 2+ rocket maps in enclosed areas tend to frustrate more often than not. This is a rare example of a confined rocket/mine map that doesn't feel that way at all.

Design seems a little too cold - the lack of atmosphere makes this a clinical play - but the play is very solid.
Demo Data