A Better Hold R DDA

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Author T-Dawgg
Tags author:t-dawgg dda fun hold-right-dda unrated
Created 2008-12-21
Last Modified 2008-12-21
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Okay, I'm terrible at ddas. I tried to make a good one here, so please rate and comment. Few tramps and no gold delay, decent close calls and enemy variety. Please RATE AND COMMENT GUYS!


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nice close calls

Thanks guys.

Much appreciated.

watch this map


it's my latest dda. try to duplicate it.

not rated for lack of close calls.

cheated demo.
Demo Data
but after the first few seconds, it wasn't as great.
By the way, Lightning55 is right about how long it takes to make a DDA. I spend an average of a month or two on a DDA.


what lightning said.
Spend the time to try to get enemies as close to the ninja as possible. Everyone thinks DDA's are as easy to make as normal action/puzzle maps. They aren't. DDA's take hours, maybe days or weeks. I really didn't see any real close calls. Stick more enemies, never have wait time (right shaft) without enemies circling you, and never ever use launchpads when it is unnecessary. You also used trapdoor excessively. Try bounceblock+gold. You will find it is easier to manipulate than trapdoors, have more controllable power, and better location wise. NR because this is honestly a 1.49 in my books.


I hope you understand