Ceiling Ninja

Thumbnail of the map 'Ceiling Ninja'

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Author ben815lost
Tags author:ben815lost jerafasha unrated
Created 2008-12-15
Last Modified 2008-12-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description cool huh

Other maps by this author

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Chain Reaction Unmasked Cathedral It Murder by the Wayside L for loser


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I wanna see someone post a demo
instead of mines use bouncepads pointing to the wall inside the wall

It looks better & more professional

Hey Josh

Try Not lining the walls whit mines. Just put a few mines on the lower parts of the wall. Also there is to much gold. It looks messy but it's kinda fun. 3
Oh and don't layer enemies. I'm sorry but I don't like it that much.