Dooreerie + Oneway Rotation = This

Thumbnail of the map 'Dooreerie + Oneway Rotation = This'

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Author allen_y
Tags author:allen_y concept nreality playable rated
Created 2008-12-15
Last Modified 2008-12-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description An idea I came up with. Short, but that's because trigger IDs over 99 don't work.

Other maps by this author

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Redemption Jump-Test Whirlpool Platform rotation


Pages: (0)

Haha, it was good.
Demo Data


Demo Data
funny + good idea= 4
(funny + good idea) - short = 2
(funny + good idea - short) + you faving my level = 4


i sort of figured that out

Sorry, the second set of one-ways should be ^^1,,,4,3


You don't need a special trigger for each one-way, just for each set of one-ways. Also, you don't need to rotate them, you can make them disappear and then reappear. I.E. the first switch would be ^,,,1; the first set of one-ways would be ^^1,,,2,1; the second switch would be ^,,2,3; and the second set of one-ways (the bottom row in this map) would be ^^1,,,3,2; ect.


i may have found a better way to do this. ill try to submit another map soon

the idea...

is awesome... nuff said...

But the level is a bit too short, tho you know that...


Good job

NR, but I think you should expand on the idea.