When In Kenya

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'When In Kenya'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action agd author:guitar_hero_matt gtmdelist rated rocket seeker-drones
Created 2008-12-07
Last Modified 2009-01-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description LEDC huh? Btw, this isn't going to be in the map pack anymore, expect an edited version in it's place. Thanks for the tips guys.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ghosts of Oynx' Thumbnail of the map 'Genetic Splicing With A Rusty Chainsaw' Thumbnail of the map 'D'ya Feel Lucky, Punk?' Thumbnail of the map 'Singing You To Shipwreck' Thumbnail of the map 'Slave To The Grave' Thumbnail of the map '00~2: Welcome To The Avenue'
Ghosts of Oynx Genetic Splicing With A Rusty Chainsaw D'ya Feel Lucky, Punk? Singing You To Shipwreck Slave To The Grave 00~2: Welcome To The Avenue


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see i typed in a random map number on nreality and didn't look at the author... i immediately thought it was atob.
you pretty much nailed his style, but thats not what you were trying to do?
anyway, this is completely his stuff, so it felt stale and unoriginal
surprised no one mentioned this


I can assure you the top isnt too hard compared with my other rocket dodgers. But thanks anyway :)


bottom was the best part of the map.
hated the top, i just found it too hard to play, especially with that rocket.

when in Kenya..

.. people rob you totrure you and you look at baboons who steal ur food..
lived there... born there.. done that...
and lived..
**playing now!**

Redraft coming soon

Probably. Thanks for the help guys.
The top part is good, but maybe less of those tree structures? As for the bottom, it worked, but it was the same jump about 6 times. I would have preferred a gauss or laser or chaingun style arrangement down there.

felt like a merger of two styles. the top part did not fit in, and there was maybe a little too much gold.


like it was missing something, and abit unpolished. NR.
My Thoughts were i Loved the bottem part though a bit crowded the sort of gameplay that was needed though the top i did enjoy it, it didnt really do it for me. The Rocket really just started to piss me off after a few go's and getting to the final door was a bit of a struggle but thats my oppinion...

Anyways Rounded to a 3.5v
I didn't really like how you start the map and immediately there's a rocket like three feet from your face. That said, the top part was extremely fun. I agree with superstardomX_, the bottom was a bit cramped. Even if it was just one tile higher it would have been more fun.
I'll give it a 3.5/5


I didnt find the bottom too cramped if you knew what you were ding, That said, Im glad I placed that section at the end rather than the beginning.
but the bottom part felt abit cramped, maybe im just a shit N player xD, well. Have a 4.5