
Thumbnail of the map 'cramped'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven unrated
Created 2008-12-02
Last Modified 2008-12-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description yeah.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'through the 5' Thumbnail of the map 'everything' Thumbnail of the map 'everything 2' Thumbnail of the map 'not quite everything' Thumbnail of the map 'rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'packed'
through the 5 everything everything 2 not quite everything rockets packed


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This is a smidgen too hard and finicky. I did find a way to beat it but it's inconsistent. It would have been better if you took out the gauss or if the chaingun was fixed in its starting position. 2/5

And stop covering all the surfaces with gold. ._.
Demo Data



DONT LIKE IT! Way 2 hard!