My Tileset

Thumbnail of the map 'My Tileset'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper rated tileset
Created 2008-11-14
Last Modified 2008-11-14
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description if you want to use this you can. just ask.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Busy, Busy. Always Busy.' Thumbnail of the map 'Rapid Electrons' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiky' Thumbnail of the map 'Clostraphobic 5' Thumbnail of the map 'Catatonic' Thumbnail of the map '"One Way Dead End Street'
Busy, Busy. Always Busy. Rapid Electrons Spiky Clostraphobic 5 Catatonic "One Way Dead End Street


Pages: (0)

ohhhh nice



I'll give you a 2.

Oops, my bad.

Wrong map.


Also on nReality.
Damn you guys are fast.
Demo Data
Too bad it wouldn't fit. 3/5, barely usable. Laser is your only option, I'm sad to say.


give a demo for people to beat
easily beaten demo
Demo Data

Thats a good point

But Im pretty sure this isnt a below average tileset, at least imo. Theres plenty of scope for unique gameplay moments in each section, again, imo.

It doesnt make sense to penalise maps further for not being exceptional, just because everyone usually gets 3s and 4s. That doesnt make this map worse than those, imo (lol) it just shows that most of the NUMA community is viewed as above avergae by their peers.

Rating too high diminishes the value of ratings. If everybody gets 4's and 5's, there's no feeling of acomplishment.

OMG Aethril

atleast give me a 3. i never in my life have ever given 0,1,or 2. why dude. comon


Boring & repetative. It needs more variety.



Not bad

But a well used idea back in the day, in a lot of big maps. Im sure that if people wanted to use this theme, theyd make their own map to specifically suit the gameplay challenges. That said, nice tileset. 3.5 up