This map has been removed from listings by the author.
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Author | superstardomX_ |
Tags | action author:superstardomx_ favs fun hard medium rated |
Created | 2008-11-09 |
Last Modified | 2008-11-09 |
Rating |
4 by 11 people.
Map Data | |
Description | My last map
Heres why. Over the past 6 weeks, i've been putting alot of effort into my maps, hoping for a decent opinion of them. But its come down to this. I solely believe that map criticism relies on the author's social status on NUMA, mainly so.. the reviewers. Although the people who saw some of my best maps with a positive mindset not depending on the author are some of the finest people in this small community. They criticize maps to all account... gameplay, aesthetics, style, structure etc. People like Guitar_hero_matt, plastic_vase, Shortshift, Palemoon. To all these people and many more. Thank you, but i've decided i'm leaving to the conclusion that its not worth it anymore. Goodnight. |
Other maps by this author
stop grasping for fame, and you shall achieve it.
give up your hopes, and they will be fulfilled.
give up your hopes, and they will be fulfilled.
I now see the truth in your words, and social status is unfourtunatly one of the key factors in rating, but leaving is definitly not the solution; the solution is to be some one like GTM, (for example) and rate indifferently to every one, and rate fairly because if you just leave, it won't make a change in unjust rating. Just keep making your maps, and set an example.
Your maps arent bad,
There was one map that I rated a 3 (of yours) solely because I didn't like it. It is my personal opinion and everyone else in the world can disagree but I really don't care. I put maps here so other people may enjoy my maps if they want. I care about comments and ratings, but it isn't why I put maps here. You think I care what everyone else thinks about my maps? Heck the only thing I care about is that people appreciate my efforts to make something fun. Yeah, I probably have more 3's than 4's. It disappoints me because I think my maps are a lot more fun and probably should be all 4's (with the exception for a few). I also put maps here to trace my development as a mapmaker. Then in a couple months, I can see how my maps begin to change, from what into what. Trying new things, being innovative, putting an old concept into a new perspective, that is what we try to do here. Maps should be made for yourself, and when you think it is fun, then post it. This is no contest to see who has the best/most maps. You build reputation by just doing what you think may be fun. It is a game and so just play.
And another thing
This is just internet, fame means NOTHING here. If you want fame, go outside, meet people, make friends.
There is a reason why
only a few authors are held in high esteem, it's because only a handful of authors on NUMA really understand what it is to CONSITENTLY create original, innovative and truly inspired maps.
Stop grasping for fame and you might discover exactly where that energy could be re-routed to help achieve such ambition.
Stop grasping for fame and you might discover exactly where that energy could be re-routed to help achieve such ambition.
Why do all the awesome map makers leave?
Can't you just enjoy your skills?
I can understand you though ssX_
If there is AMLT in front of the map. it is worth a 4.
but if some random newbie makes it. It's a 3.
No offense to any author!!! It just sucks.
But leaving won't help! :'(
I can understand you though ssX_
If there is AMLT in front of the map. it is worth a 4.
but if some random newbie makes it. It's a 3.
No offense to any author!!! It just sucks.
But leaving won't help! :'(
Come on comeback. Your maps have received plenty of attention, more that average! Sure, I get upset sometimes when my maps don't get that much attention, but I don't throw a fit and leave. Seriously, take a break and come back.
And don't talk shit about reviewers.
And don't talk shit about reviewers.
yahoozy is lying, everyone cares that their maps get seen, some people just have dreams of a fantastic Utopian society
can't happen
can't happen
I don't get it
you're leaving because only about 5 people play your maps. 2 or 3 people play my maps, including me, and the comments are appreciated, but I mainly map for myself. My maps are moulded to suit my preferance in maps, like most people. If you want comments, comment on other people's maps, and you'll get them. I comment on other maps occasionally, but I play my own because they are my favorite.
If you don't like the way it is, leave.
PS: Speedrunned demo, also on Nreality.
If you don't like the way it is, leave.
PS: Speedrunned demo, also on Nreality.
Yahoozy is 100% right.
It seems you are making maps for the wrong person.
its not as ugly in full size as it is in thumbnail.
all the objects are cleverly placed.
reminds me gameplay wise of a map i made awile ago: http://nmaps.net/90011
good map. shame your leaving.
all the objects are cleverly placed.
reminds me gameplay wise of a map i made awile ago: http://nmaps.net/90011
good map. shame your leaving.
Demo Data |
What the hell yahoozy
the point of putting maps on NUMA is for other people to see them.
i wouldn't bloody bother making maps if i didn't want feedback.
i wouldn't bloody bother making maps if i didn't want feedback.
kinda sad to see you go
but. this is just. fairly stupid. to be honest...
I wouldn't care.
I put maps here so that people can play them, not because I expect them to.
I only got half of that
Ouch, you both have some points.
leaving is your mortification, and our reward. This is NUMA's bane. It's a sure-fucking-fire way to give you nothing short of disappointment. You post maps here at the expense of others' criticism, of which is almost always constructive. There's so much elitist, pompous critique around here because most of the community, sadly, has been convoluted into a false notion that they should be making maps for others, and not for themselves. Even still, when they don't get the commentary they so blatantly detest, we have to witness their senseless, asinine whining and griping and complaining about how much they're unconsidered. On that note, as it seems, you have the choice of one of two favors: Shut up, or get out.
You´re so right...
From my 64 maps, 16 are rated.
Ah, okay, that makes more sense
Btw, Ive been through and rated everyone of your maps, theyre all really good. We should do a collab, but Id end up forgetting like I always do :(
No offense Superstardomx
But thats a really flawed perspective to have on mapmaking. Quitting because you havent got status, I mean. Guess how everyone else got status? Through posting good quality maps, involving themselves with the community, doing collabs, etc.
And to put it in perspective, your maps get about the same attention as mine, one an average basis. If thats the only reason you're quitting, then Im slightly disappointed, but I guess its your perogative in the end. Have a good life :[
And to put it in perspective, your maps get about the same attention as mine, one an average basis. If thats the only reason you're quitting, then Im slightly disappointed, but I guess its your perogative in the end. Have a good life :[
dunno if you'll read this
but you were actually my fav author of maps here. and ive only been here about 3 weeks...
i will keep you alive when youre gone by deding maps to you...
come back sometime
nice map, i thought that the gold provided a nice challenge for an agd.
i will keep you alive when youre gone by deding maps to you...
come back sometime
nice map, i thought that the gold provided a nice challenge for an agd.
Hope you come back
You'll come back one day, and you'll rise to the top, i know it!
"Heroes never die, they just reload"
"Heroes never die, they just reload"
Ive always liked your maps, the tileset...the gameplay, its just your unique style, youve always been one of the few that has bothered to look at my "crappy" maps too, but what you said there, you were right. And if you really want to leave, i'm not gonna stop you. But you were part of this community too, and i wont forget that.
ssX, your maps are really amazing. Definitely better than the norm out there. To be honest, I make maps hoping that people play them, rate them, and leave comments too. We've all done it. But I've now come to the conclusion that in this world we dream of being as a Utopia, will never be that way. And no one will ever fully support your statements all the time. Even though your maps may go unappreciated at times, take it this way. Instead of having 100 people see it and appreciate it for only half its value, it's better to have 5 people appreciate its full value eh?
My maps aren't really popular or anything. And whenever I get a 3 rating or something, I just shrug it off. Whenever I feel like resubbing because there's no attention to a map, I just don't resub it. Why? Because the people chose not to play my map, they chose to move on to the next one, due to various reasons, one of which, could be status. Even though I don't have any good status here, I still have at least one map which people really appreciated. I'm just happy that at least someone appreciates my effort. And I know someone appreciates yours too. Don't let others' opinions shape your path, unless you want it to. And never take constructive criticism personally.