
Thumbnail of the map 'Befriended'

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Author Riobe
Tags author:riobe fun hard minefield playable race rated
Created 2008-11-07
Last Modified 2008-11-07
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Here at nmaps, super fast and hard is the way we like it.

This will lagg on slow computers. Definetly, so I warned you. It is hard as well, so be careful.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Section Revert' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise Above 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Second Time Around' Thumbnail of the map 'Red Baron' Thumbnail of the map 'Partnership' Thumbnail of the map 'Comeback'
Section Revert Rise Above 2 Second Time Around Red Baron Partnership Comeback


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I love it super fast and hard; I only had a problem with the premature explosion at the end...

It's a joke



very nice!


and pleas, see my levels? thanks


destiny hit it on the head. Thanks nevertheless. =)

very good--faved

tihs harks back to Psycho_CO.


this race isnt so hard? just cant see whats coming because the trapdoors appear as you go over them, instead of before.


it was very nice. Until all the trapdoors. especially those last ones.

Demo Data

The mines

And rockets and stuff were for atmosphere and aesthetics. But I do see at least a few close calls with the rockets.

I win.

Not an AGD. I can't make it past that laser loop on the middle right. I don't know what to do once you exit left, so I kinda cheated.
Demo Data
that i receive on my races, is that they are too hard. so yes, i'd suggest trying out different points on the difficulty curve. in other news, i think that unnecessary mines add to aesthetics. they're fine imho.
I could've done without a lot of the mines. And the rockets, as they really didn't do much. Didn't flow spectacularly either; an okay race, but not really a masterpiece. 3.5^

Do bother making hard races; just don't make them hard by way of excessive hazards and obtuse jumps.

I cannot get past that mine in the demo.
Demo Data


I mean, I guess this is just too hard for most people to play these days.
I'm just not the person who plays races. That's all.

CONTINUE MAKING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Note to self, don't bother making hard races anymore.


Well, I warned you lightning.

i plain and simple

can not clear that mine.

well done Riobe pretty hectic.
Demo Data




juice. zap tree limb never banana try indeed torpid dress-code ill crag dump shin laugh no idea go eight ink fish drama tag erratic osmosis


AGD-zors. This is pretty tough, so I have warned you...twice.
Demo Data