Tile Squares

Thumbnail of the map 'Tile Squares'

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Author xaelar
Tags author:xaelar playable rated speedrun tilerun tilerun-competition tiles
Created 2008-10-30
Last Modified 2008-10-30
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This map is for the Tilerun Competition.
This shouldn't look too good, but is a speedrun map.
Have fun :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Road' Thumbnail of the map 'Too much gold can't be bad .... right?' Thumbnail of the map 'Rotational Party' Thumbnail of the map 'Two sides of a coin...' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Hail!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Symmetry'
Gold Road Too much gold can't be bad .... right? Rotational Party Two sides of a coin... Rocket Hail!! Symmetry


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this took forever
Demo Data

Took awhile.

But I got a nice demo going!
Demo Data
I bet xaelar planned his route whilst making the map ;D
Nice tiles, though, simple concept, but fun to play on. 4/5
Demo Data
nice work.
It's not everyday you see the xaelar submit a map.
Demo Data

2 cornerjumps

no fbf and the fastest demo by now ;D
Demo Data


though i don't like that if i go faster, i have to cornerjump 3/5
Demo Data


I learned to do corner kicks from St. Atilla's. Search for it on the old forums. It's mostly about practice, though - St. Atilla's just gives some really easy ones to get the technique down, and teaches about reverse and falling ones too.

Xaelar - the map may not look like much but it plays AWESOME. This is gonna be GREAT for speedrunning if it gets picked in the comp. I hope it does. 4/5 from me.

The thing is

there are 2 spots for chimneying, several spots for different corner jumps. Maybe it was intended, maybe it was purely accident/luck either way, it's pretty good.


it felt like 3 minutes...
But this kind of map guarantees cornerjumps, and cornerjumps guarantees good speedruns ;D


I made this in 3 minutes ;D


and that's why I made it fun ;D

4th time failing after all 3 cornerjumps in one run...


best game play yet compared to the rest of the tile sets, imo. That's expected with some one who knows the physics of the game so well =p 5.
but if this map weren't that fun, it'd be a 2.5^


and a rate over tileset.

It seems copy pasted or very generic. However, I do like that it is more cluttered at the top center and spaced out everywhere else.

3-5...........3.51000000000000000000000000000001 = 3.5^
except a triple jump and a corner jump (triple and quad off bounce block I can do very rarely, or fbf =P). I can hit tile corner jump but not like the one you did on NReality ;_;

Then again, I couldn't do a double side jump on a bounce block until about a month ago =P


We posted at the same second ;)

Well, I did the 2 cornerjumps 3 times, but I always failed to do the rest. -.-

Pretty sure

my route can go under 550.
Demo Data


well, it's all about timing, you can hit corners at (nearly) every angle.
Practise I guess ;/


how to do a corner jump.

Xaelar, any tips for doing one?
Demo Data

My route

I feel like a noob.
Demo Data


is my fastest route without the double cornerjump.
But I will post a demo using the double cj, without FBF.
Demo Data

FbF Route

I'm sure you highscorers could pull this off, and faster.
Demo Data


Pretty nice for speedruns, plenty of room for innovation. 3.5 up
Demo Data