Dinner... ring... ring... ring...'

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Dinner... ring... ring... ring...''

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author eganic
Tags author:eganic goldruleseheheh goldyumityyumyum iliovegoldgoldyumitygold minejumper mines unrated
Created 2008-10-27
Last Modified 2009-06-26
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I like minejumpers'

first agd gets a ded'

thanks to Rule for letting me use his tiles'

map 101'

-Eganic the yoda'


Pages: (0)

indeed it is

you were gone? :P



you've made a ton of maps whole iv'e been gone! And isn't this one of rule's tilesets? 4/5 awesome

1st comment

eh eh theres no thrill like commenting on a map from school :O

2nd comment


though you got it from some one else ;)


Looks good!
Shame that I am not even supposed to be on numa at the moment, or for that fact playing n, if I could though I would play it and rate it


shoulda made a demo

New avatar again???

Damn lag, I was close to the exit at around only 700 frames. Hit the second mine on the exit door's right. >.<
agd is just more time consuming
Demo Data
i'll get you a completion demo. minejumpers <3

Guess what?

My mine-jumper will be out soon. And I'll try to beat ya! :)
Good stuff.4

screw it.

I CANT DO IT. im not even gunna try for AGD. WAY to hard