11 - albert hammond jr. (GfC)

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map '11 - albert hammond jr. (GfC)'

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Author toasters
Tags action author:toasters playable rated
Created 2008-10-09
Last Modified 2008-10-09
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Inspired by blackson.

Sneak peak of a mappack I'm working on, look out for it soon!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'tea time at the gorilla club' Thumbnail of the map 'sailor who fell from grace with the sea' Thumbnail of the map 'chicago x 12' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantasma del Mar!' Thumbnail of the map 'noitulovE' Thumbnail of the map 'Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)'
tea time at the gorilla club sailor who fell from grace with the sea chicago x 12 Phantasma del Mar! noitulovE Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)


Pages: (0)

up the left compared to this map. But I suppose that's that what the competition is all about.
Enjoyable map, very clean-cut and visually stunning. 4/5.


As for the map

It's pretty good, just a tad too hard. 4/5


Another reviewer. Welcome! =)

very busy.

love the gold.
Nice to play, but I'm not sure the polygonal tileset worked for me, it didn't seem right for some reason, almost like take that part away and the gameplay would really stand out even more.
A solid 4.

good to hear

I still need to get shadow of the colossus though
it was very cool. thanks.


you guys just said the total opposite thing :D

Very good,

You've developed a great style here. The only thing i disliked were the drones. Other than that really great job. =)

Pretty cool.

I like the layout with the drones and floorguard. Very different.

forgot to rate..

very good,

i didnt like the gauss's though,, 3.5^