Aroon Daal's Map

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Aroon Daal's Map'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags actiony author:guitar_hero_matt gtmdelist unrated
Created 2008-09-28
Last Modified 2009-01-18
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Ive made a few changes; I think it works well but meh, I want to see wat u think

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kryptonocity' Thumbnail of the map 'Not quite Apocalyptica' Thumbnail of the map 'Suspicion (Like Paranoid? Love this)' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitched' Thumbnail of the map 'Thundering Rickety Rides of the C20th' Thumbnail of the map 'Forced Into a Bad Decision'
Kryptonocity Not quite Apocalyptica Suspicion (Like Paranoid? Love this) Glitched Thundering Rickety Rides of the C20th Forced Into a Bad Decision


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my speedrun LOL
Demo Data
But I thought without them there wouldnt be much action in that section. And youre probably right about the door. But I definitely disagree about the rocket. Although the middle one could access all areas, it was never really an imposing challenge. These three, on the other hand, were.


I never put stuff in randomly. If theres a launchpad it has to be in a position similar to all the other launchpads on the map. Doors should never be right up against a wall either, it just looks ugly. I can't stand thwumps that just float in midair. I really don't like the rocket placement either, it makes the map look unbalanced. I don't see what the problem with a rocket in the middle is, it achieves the same effect as the three you have. My least favorite part, though, are the thwumps.