Sewers Complex

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Author Freelancer101
Tags action author:freelancer101 complex fast race sewers unrated
Created 2008-09-23
Last Modified 2008-09-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A number of thin sewer pipes filled with puzzles which requires some skill to complete.


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Trap doors can be used just like launch pads to propell you forward.
Just place the trigger 3/4 of a frame awayfrom the door itself and the trapdoor will propel you forward in the direction you aim the ninja at.
Sorry. I need that floor guard on the bottom so you have to go back and make it move to reach the exit. And that launchpad was there for a boost, not to stop you going back. The one way door does that :D

Thanks anyway though.
The first launch pad would be better if it was a trap door.
The floor gaurd would be better as a ceiling gaurd (on the roof)


limit your map posting to two at a time *max*, like what it says on the front page... Posting more is likely to cause less people to look at your maps with an intent to play them, and instead tell you to limit your posting to two.
