
Thumbnail of the map 'Apocalyptica'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt big mines rated tileset variety
Created 2008-09-14
Last Modified 2008-09-14
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Its a mixture of tons of things, rocket dodging, gauss dodging, thwump dodging, zap dogding. I think its easier than the last few maps Ive made, but you tell me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Grav Shift Complete' Thumbnail of the map 'Guitar_Hero_Matt' Thumbnail of the map 'Thunderbirds' Thumbnail of the map 'Joint Ride' Thumbnail of the map 'The City That Never Sleeps' Thumbnail of the map 'Industrial Revolution'
Grav Shift Complete Guitar_Hero_Matt Thunderbirds Joint Ride The City That Never Sleeps Industrial Revolution


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Maybe you should too. I get the point; in your opinion the golds and mines detract from the style. They dont affect the gameplay enough to give it a 1.


ofcourse i played it.
theres no point rating if you dont.
and RN, do not put words in my mouth.
And jsut because thats how he wanted it doesnt mean im going to like it.
Also, the spam makes it messy, thats why i didnt like it.
I didnt enjoy this map, get over it!


I liked it how you mixed different types of gameplay in this one.


you have proved that you only click on maps with good aesthetics. And that spam is a major factor in your ratings. This kind of spam is fine for this map - it created the effect that Matt wanted.
On a side note, enjoyed the map. 4


Did you even play this? That "spam" is called a style, and without the map would be really, really sparse.

Haaate it

sorry man.
the enemys are spammy, so is the gold.
i only clicked on it because it has a cool tileset.


cool tiles

laggy for me

the meteor thing looks out of place


he likes it.


is eganic

eganic stopped

"when you said "lightning doesnt look real"
i thought you were speaking in third person again.
i was like "nooooooo" "

so Lightning55 continues the eganic tradition.


U deciphered Eganic :p So, what did u think of it?


Sparse: Too little amount.
IMO: In my opinion.


You make no sense :P

good call.

wha wha?


:P Yeah I have overdone the mines,but imo if I did them otherwise theyd look too sparse :/
think you might've overdone it on the mines.
interesting. ehhh thrrrr-fooooour outta five.


when you said "lightning doesnt look real"
i thought you were speaking in third person again.
i was like "nooooooo"


Thwump area is hard to get back at. I forgot, but the rockets are not fun to dodge if there's nothing to get, put some gold high up to make it more fun and a little more challenging. The bottom-most thwump wont hit you if you dont get the gold and that section is more of a minejumper than a thwump-dodger, but I felt that the thwumps fit perfectly into the map. I died trying to get into the streak (Im just not good at those types of jumps) by a rocket =/ so no demo. 5, the perfect mixture of everything except (other) drone and rocket.

Hey lightning

Mind rating? :P
tree looks wimpy...

Insanely fun map, though I would have preferred to go into the big rock thingy instead of around it.


Now the gauss and rockets are more fair in the lightning and tree sections.