Race against the sun dial

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Race against the sun dial'

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Author eganic
Tags author:eganic guass laser minejumper rated rock-it
Created 2008-09-13
Last Modified 2009-06-26
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description eganic playtested and everything's possible.
eganic is glad he made something 'special' and 'unique' from his other maps for his 50th. that is goood. eganic also hopes that this map is critiqued by knowledgable authors instead of the occasional noob.
enjoy RCE


Pages: (0)


take that chaingun!
Demo Data

awww :(

thanks for playing, i gotta say i love the map, but the mine dodging shaft at the top where you go jump-right-jump-right is really painful.
then died on the mine above the hole to get back into the tunnel. Then I ate my tea, and now I can't get back into it...


Demo Data

fun fun.

great map. 5/5


disregard those. i think its apparent i am not capable of making demos. ever. only disregard the second one actually.


Pt. 2
Demo Data


Pt. 1
Demo Data
i can't beat it

i don't like the gold placement


i lolled when i read that haha. took me maybe 1 try to get to switch and about 5 to get half-way thru. takes practice dude.
then around another 20 or so to get to the wall.


yeah it gets really hard when you get to, uh...
start the map o.0
I think I rated a 4. If its not a 4, then its not me (I cant rate anymore so I guess yeah).

Damn, got up to the right wall (died right after that climb because the stupid mine is on the ceiling and the ninja doesn't like walking up corners).
if you feel it is necessary.
zomgodzorx. did you say "ever"?? thats not sucky.
wow thanks very much for the comment & rate.
It is extremely enclosed and methinks its too hard for a good number of us. Looks very good to be a minejumper but close inspection names it probably one of the most precise minejumpers ever. I like the gold placement and looks "Eganic" per say.