
This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Cufflinks'

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Author T-Dawgg
Tags author:t-dawgg rocketandchaingunglory unrated
Created 2008-08-30
Last Modified 2008-08-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Also Resub due to the thumbnail issue. Please RCE. More tiles then objects.


Pages: (0)


hard man, good map but still 3/5

They were put there for exactly that reason. Mess you up and slow you down for the chaingun/rocket


You changed it. 3.5


almost always looks better in clumps.

The bounceblocks are plain horrible. They just make it harder to get into those little areas. Plus, I really think there should be more that one piece of gold in those little areas, because it's not worth going for. You'll probably spend five seconds in that area due to the bounceblocks getting in the way, when you'll only get two back. Not a fair trade.



know what you mean.

Keep working at it.

Isnt it weird that when you join numa you make maps for yourself but after a while it's like making maps for others. Just pointing out that.
And the gold would look better in clumps of gold rather than pieces. Other than that you have made a good map here.

sry. One rocket was two easy. So I added the second. I'll try and fix it.
:/ Screwed the level for me.