In Gold We Trust!

Thumbnail of the map 'In Gold We Trust!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Splinter
Tags author:splinter minejumper playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-08-18
Last Modified 2008-08-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Slightly puzzle-ish map now. Its fairly easy once you figure out what the gold means and hopefully its reasonably fun to play. Just remember you need to use EVERY piece of gold. That is, the knowledge gained from the gold's existence, anyway

As usual I have a demo but will withhold it for the time being

Rate, Comment, Demo, Enjoy :)

(Resubmitted because the old version needed fixing)

(Also, it only looks like ASS because its a puzzle and... weh)

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Making Waves I... hate... chaingun drones... Pixelated Elevator Rebound Room to swing a cat...


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but the map was fun. 3.5\5 RD

Good Minejumper

but I dont like how the gold was right next to the mines. 4/5.
it just looked ugly. Also, try to make mine-jumpers a bit shorter than that. Overall, 3.5^

Ill give it a go

tbh I built the tileset as I went along, one jump at a time. So I didnt have a huge amount of control over it. Ill see what I can make of paranoia

Looks good

I cant do mine jumpers for toffee, but this looks good. Very good concept with the gold. Loved the title :P However, tbh the tileset was a bit naff. Perhaps you could make a version of it with my paranoia tileset?


I love the concept

It took me a little while, because i didn't read the description.

It's cheatable though.
Demo Data