
Thumbnail of the map 'Tapestry'

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Author Tempus_Fugit
Tags action author:tempus_fugit rated rockets
Created 2008-08-13
Last Modified 2008-08-13
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I'm really proud of this map. It's nothing complex, just plain fun. It's pretty easy, so I'm gonna offer a ded to the fastest completion. And if Msyjsm gets it, I'll have to kill someone... Hope you enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Linguistics' Thumbnail of the map 'Racehorse' Thumbnail of the map 'Resurrection' Thumbnail of the map 'Yesteryear' Thumbnail of the map 'Carbon Fingerprint' Thumbnail of the map 'Serpent Skis'
Linguistics Racehorse Resurrection Yesteryear Carbon Fingerprint Serpent Skis


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This is

awesome. 5/5aved


Go ahead, Msyjsm... Tear this method to shreds...
Demo Data


Like I said...

Why must you excel?
Much faster and easier than my previous way. Faster AGD included, of course :)
Demo Data


He doesn't get all the gold and the switch in under 700 frames... Still, he does get it faster than me, and it's probably enough to beat me by ~100 frames.

Fastest AGD

There's a main difference between my and msyjsm's runs: I get all the gold and exit switch more slowly than he does, but get up to the top faster; he gets all the gold and exit switch faster, but gets to the top more slowly.

Still, that jump to the top makes a difference... Now if only I could get the gold and switch in under 700 frames...
Demo Data
It's also possible to jump from the lowest left wall onto that seven tile and out, despite the one way. That could be easier for you.


haven't forgotten about this or anything...

I can get all the gold, I just haven't gotten back up yet... >_<


Maybe not four. We'll see what M_I can do when he gets back, eh?

Oh, christ!

Four?! This is just wrong, man. Alright, I figured you'd say that. I'll get to work here pretty soon...


The one-ways are used perfectly, and the rocket adds a great challenge. The best part is getting back up to the door once you've hit the switch.

Demo Data

Completion, huh?

This could be faster, but it has some sweet rocket dodging in it. I'll rate once I play a bit more.

As far as the deds go, I'd honestly be happy with anything, but if I had to choose a defining characteristic, small levels would be nice, since I love your more diminutive maps. But you can do whatever you want...and don't worry about getting them done super-fast, I'm a patient guy.
Demo Data


Evil one-way placement, way too hard for me to AGD. I love how one rocket can give you so much difficulty though.
But I don't have time to play it tonight so I'll favorite this for tomorrow as well.

But I guess

you're a bit better.
Demo Data

Nice work!

Some crazy jumps in there, but that's pretty much the same path I take.


:) i love it.. good challenge here 5/5
Demo Data

