Sadness is for poor people!

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Author pinksynth
Tags author:pinksynth err ignoktik mooninites unrated
Created 2008-08-12
Last Modified 2008-08-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Like the Robot Devil's golden violin, it's mostly just for show. This is just a tribute to the Mooninites. I can't imagine where we'd be without them.

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Featherweight Ninja Pipes Amalgamating Missiles Ways Cycles Amalgamating Missiles 2


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Boston would be an all-together safer place.


I'll tell you where we'd be! We'd be discovering new planets and solar systems, we'd be in peace with the rest of the world, we'd harness the use of solar powered vehicles so we'd never have to worry about gas again!!

JK, I love those guys.