Unlimited Change

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

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Author runningninja
Tags author:runningninja nreality playable test unrated
Created 2008-08-06
Last Modified 2008-08-06
Map Data

Description Just testing the unlimited gold aspect of the greedy drones.
NReality6c2 [] needed.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flux Capicator'
Flux Capicator


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your time will still eventually go up. Just leave your comp on for about 10 days and it will max out, provided your comp doesnt crash.

Looks like Steve100

is the only person with a life XD


srry for double post but i had a typo

it's actually 165,000+


Yeah... I win? I sure think so! 169,000+

Beat that suckas!
Demo Data

Lightning55, wait until my next greedy drone map. I'll DED it to you.
Riobe, hopefully you backed it up.

There it goes

Corrupted. Well, half corrupted. All my userlevels replay data is gone.

Frame Cap

But not gold cap. 101287 I admit, I have no life. Riobe, its all me. I want my DED for spending so much time. Im guessing 999,999,999.999 is the cap. Unreality, my sol is safe.
Demo Data


I have a life. Psh, I got a new laptop and it has none of my data, My sol only contains the record of a 200ish lvl 0 of episode 0. My desktop has my real sol file. But the only problem is that I dont have 5 hrs to spend.
Demo Data

With large sol

probably bring large loading time too
@Riobe: as far as I know, there is no max.

Unless you count patience.


Thanks for the heads up. Glad I stopped. Phew...


I'm not sure, but it is possible to corrupt your own sol if your demo data is too large :D


Let me guess, a test of who has more of a life?


I want to see someone get to 99999.999! What's the max?