Micro 74

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 74'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink micro mini playable rated small tiny
Created 2008-07-31
Last Modified 2008-07-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I don't know if this one can be speedrunned or not...I've gotten *close* but the rocket always gets me. Oh well. I'll post my almost-speed run for all to see to see if they can improve upon it and get past the rocket. Anyhoo, a rocket and a gauss in the center, a twisty road back and forth. With a jump pad for kicks.

EDIT: I've made a small change, added a trapdoor to modify rocket behavior.

EDIT: Removed the change >_>

EDIT: Put the change...back...>_________>

Have fun! :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 68' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 69' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 70' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 71' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 72' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 73'
Micro 68 Micro 69 Micro 70 Micro 71 Micro 72 Micro 73


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Ok, got it first try after watching another demo. Just have to get the last jump perfect.
Demo Data

Can't do it even with FBF. I must be missing something, I'll watch demos now but the trap door always makes the rocket get me.

Attempt with FBF demo.
Demo Data


by 1 frame. Non-FBF.
Demo Data
but rather fun. It is quite good for speedruns, but I can't get faster than this I don't think. Non-FBF. This demo has NOT been edited!
3.5 but i'll round up.
Demo Data
I'll get right on it.

2nd Try

Cucumber Boy is flaming maps I think. He has posted the same message on everyone's map at least once. BTW, I would really appreciate if you RCEd some of my maps. I usually try to get yours, but you don't usually get mine and since I have so many maps less than you; I hope it isn't a problem.
Demo Data


What was the point of that? My maps don't even have any Nreality mods in them.
But it was EXTREMELY FBF'd.
Demo Data

edited demoes:

upper-left corner of nreality. shows "total" frames and actual frames.

@ uber5001

FBF checker: NReality :D
Demo Data


This is a reminder to join the: The NReality Column Competition [](TNCC). Prizes include your NReality levels to be included in a column in the next version of NReality.
... and the link...

Which part?


oh WOW

wow, that makes me sad... i'm truly sorry....

Edited demos?

I'm going to make a demo editor, but it's going to check for edited demos and FBF'ed demos too

Oh, and BTW, I hate these kind of maps... but right now I'm having much more fun playing these than others.


you can actually cheat on your demos, that's awesome, i should try that (joking, joking.... or am I?)


I suggest you apologize Here [] wumbla.


i'll stop... I nkow it's probbably getting on everyones nerves by now... sorry... so here's a non edited demo... I feel kinda bad right now.
Demo Data
I'm slowly catching up... but I still can't figure out an exact trick to the rocket...
Demo Data


Got it like my 7th try... I think around 110 frames :(
Oh 4/5 btw
Demo Data

My old demos

probably don't work anymore now that I've added the trapdoor, but you know, there's all the other new ones to look at :P


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Demo Data


104. Beatable
Demo Data


More space for speed. ^_^


It's back. I thought I made it incompletable D:


I thought I fucked it up. Should I put the trapdoor back? >_>


u removed the trap door. >_>

Ignore last two demos.


A frame.
Demo Data


Yes, it can. 4
Demo Data

FBF Speed Attempt

Almost. You guys are clever, so you might be fast enough, I don't know. If not, then sorry :(
Well, I did it :D

It's not that hard, really.
Demo Data