Dystopia iii

Thumbnail of the map 'Dystopia iii'

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Author epigone
Tags action author:epigone dystopia hard playable unrated
Created 2008-07-31
Last Modified 2008-07-31
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The third in the series. It's similar to the other two in certain ways, yet it's different in more ways. Also, I utilized thwumps in this map, which is something I rarely do.

Go for all-gold.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'RakkityTakTak' Thumbnail of the map 'Architecture in Helsinki' Thumbnail of the map 'Been Looking For a Miracle' Thumbnail of the map 'Plastique Tornado' Thumbnail of the map 'Take Me Somewhere Nice' Thumbnail of the map 'Citizens of Tommorow'
RakkityTakTak Architecture in Helsinki Been Looking For a Miracle Plastique Tornado Take Me Somewhere Nice Citizens of Tommorow


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but this is super fun, really like it. faved.
Demo Data


simplistic, empty, and challenging.

4, and so close to a 5


Really nice.

Slow AGD

I agree with atob about the gold around the thwumps/bounceblocks, but it's still pretty fun, especially getting up to the top half of the map and the rocket dodging in general. Also the tileset's quite pretty.


P.S. I responded to your comment on Bollet Dudge, so check that out if you feel like it.
Demo Data
No wonder atob thought the chain was so hard. It's not supposed to come out right away.


everytime I load the map theres a locked door in the roof and the chaingun is free to roam. that intentional?
anyways, map looks great, don't play so well, i think it would be better sans chaingun.
Each map in the series is getting progressively harder.

Although truthfully, I'm not really satisfied with how this turned out. Your comment was similar to what I was thinking.

Now everyone knows. Damn you!
It looks quite tasty in the thumb.

The chain gun is really frustrating, the gold around the thuwmps/bouncblocks is really unsatisying to collect, and overall it feels a little barren.

Have you got a demo I could see? Perhaps I'm just doing it wrong.