Spinning on Your Tippy Toes

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Spinning on Your Tippy Toes'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author runningninja
Tags action author:runningninja ded nreality playable rated tippy-toes
Created 2008-07-22
Last Modified 2008-07-22
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description ==NREALITY NEEDED==
Part of my tippy-toes series []
RCE me, and I RCE you.

Other maps by this author

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Flux Capicator


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1 ninja goes up

thats 4 down 1 to go

Nicely done

Cool map, although you did use this rotational concept alot. :)


What do you mean? The launchpads kill you, nothing else.


Very fun. The launchpads could have been placed better I methinks.



Highscore demo

It's almost a speedrun, too.
Demo Data



I'm up with SkyRay now! Awesome!

like this a lot

very good use of the mod

5/5 =]

A relatively fast completion. :D
Demo Data


Nice map. I like it better than the rocket version. It makes good use of the mod, and AGD is fun to get. 4/5
Demo Data
I like this. And you RCE my maps already so I thank you for that. 5/5. Fun and challenging. I died on my fall, hit a triangle and slipped into the wall >.<