Drowns and Dreams

Thumbnail of the map 'Drowns and Dreams'

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Author epigone
Tags action all-gold author:epigone playable rated
Created 2008-07-14
Last Modified 2008-07-14
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Not modded.

Haven't made a map in a while, even my most recent maps are just submits of old maps. This one is fresh out of the oven, still warm and fluffy in the middle.

Was trying for a map with massive tile structures. Inspired by the likes of yahoozy, palemoon,and mintnut among others.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Paragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Jungle Jams' Thumbnail of the map 'Cliff Hopper' Thumbnail of the map 'The Angry Steam Shovel' Thumbnail of the map 'It Sleeps' Thumbnail of the map 'Saqqara, Necropolis'
Paragon Jungle Jams Cliff Hopper The Angry Steam Shovel It Sleeps Saqqara, Necropolis


Pages: (0)

still, very easy-going gameplay.

AGD less 4

It's decent. I like the gold placement, but the mines made it a bit too difficult. In particular, that jump to get up to the exit switch is too delicate. If you don't get it right, the mines get you, and if you get it a little off and then slow down to try to correct it, the gauss catches up with you. I also didn't like the overall setup of the map. If you just kept to the right side, it was over too quickly, but if you went for the gold on the left as well, it was too long/difficult. 3/5.
Demo Data


wasn't expecting to see my name in there....

Can't play it now, but I'll be having a luck later.



Seems more mine infested then fluffy in the middle. ;)
will be the first of many.

Great jumper/gauss map. 5/5

Loved it.