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Thumbnail of the map 'N-Chronicles'

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Author wumbla
Tags author:wumbla n-chronicles tileset unrated
Created 2008-07-04
Last Modified 2008-07-04
Map Data

Description Read comments to see the whole story of N-Chronicles

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The World of Tetris' Thumbnail of the map 'Prayer of the Refugee- Rise Against' Thumbnail of the map 'Office Depot' Thumbnail of the map 'Pluto's Peril' Thumbnail of the map 'Remembered Memories?' Thumbnail of the map 'Escapism'
The World of Tetris Prayer of the Refugee- Rise Against Office Depot Pluto's Peril Remembered Memories? Escapism


Pages: (0)

Nice tileset

and nice story. 4/5

PART 4- Crashed

N was driving quietly with the truck full of dynamite, then when he heard an alarm sound he knew he was in trouble, so he sped up. Big mistake... The truck crashed and pretty much exploded, luckily N survived. The truck now had a major gas leak. Will N be able to break into the base while a drone is doing a through scan of the scene, then escape through the underground mines?

PART 3- City Escape

...N then escaped the office building and hid away in a dynamite inport to another base. What N would have to do is get out of the dynamite full truck (while getting the keys to the front door), then N would have to get the driver's key to the watch out tower, then he would have to assassinate the sniper up in the tower and take his ID to enter the office building, but to enter the office building he will have to get by a street gang member. After N has the codes from the building he will get in the truck and get out of there!

PART 2- Escapism

Since N has the activation codes he can now open most doors without the key, but he better not send off any alarms, or he'll be sorry.
N finally broke into the office building, with only one patrol gaurd he was good, all he had to do is get all of the keys from the employee's offices, then he can get the activation codes and get out of there. But what N didn't know is that there was an installed alarm system.