Thwumper Lover

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwumper Lover'

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Author Lightning55
Tags author:lightning55 fun playable rated thwump thwump-based
Created 2008-06-30
Last Modified 2008-07-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I was trying on how to use thwumps as moving devices and I also added the one-way bug. Theres too many thwumps on the bottom, iI know. but thats all the part of being a thwump lover...

Edit: removed one-ways at the beginning; changed and added some gold to make a little more challenging AGD

Other maps by this author

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Inside the Mysterious Thwump


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Superfluous objects, repetitive annoying gameplay, redundant objects, have to jump through hoops to get back to the part you were at since it's so repetitive. Ugh.


I can tell this is one of your less-good maps. It was ugly, but fun.

If you cant beat all 6/10 original columns, dont say its impossible unless you can prove it. Also, state which part its impossible. Ill give a demo, but I dont want to do the entire thing unless I have to.


oopsy doopsy


its impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!


its impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!


its impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!


its impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!


due to cresdcor's enlightening statement, thanks!
3.5, rounded down

aw darn

double post, grmbl

good but

remove the oneway platforms in the beginnig, the slow down the gameplay very drastically, it's really a turn-off
2.5/5, rounded

good but

remove the oneway platforms in the beginnig, the slow down the gameplay very drastically, it's really a turn-off
2.5/5, rounded


If anyone needs a demo on this, I am able to provide one. Im just to lazy to make one if nobody needs it.