Maelstrom Machine

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Maelstrom Machine'

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Author Ryzor
Tags author:ryzor tileset unrated
Created 2008-06-13
Last Modified 2008-06-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I couldn't make a level out of it. I invite you all to try though! RCE, use it or abuse it, alter at will.


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I tried with an action apporoach, then mine jumper, then I figured out that I can't do it without using the whole map... well i even tried teleporters and I couldn't get them to work so, I give up (even though I tried for 10 minutes max)
ask around...
I will get started...
I like the patteren, very swirlish. 5/5