Fuck The Details

Thumbnail of the map 'Fuck The Details'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets bam featured mappack rated
Created 2008-05-30
Last Modified 2009-07-01
by 55 people.
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Description it's a map

This map was featured on 2009-06-30

You drop into Fuck The Details on an angular bluff, beside a rocket and above a huge, blank ring. Just like that, you're pulled into the map like a cinderblock to the sandy riverbed. fingersonthefrets' builds the rest of the map out of bold, smooth slopes and bare, considered objects. Despite its austere design, Fuck The Details posses complex, nuanced gameplay. Or, perhaps, because of it. — gloomp

Other maps by this author

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arachnobatics. KABOOM Composition music TS Psy Can See You.



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I love this map.

It's been one of my favourites for a while now.



Nice feature.

But weird, gloomp :/

First try.

Interesting map.
Demo Data


As much as you may not like cursewords. Fuck is indeed the best curseword, as it is one of the most versatile words in the english Anyway, I have not played the map, but I think I would like it. Good feature.


*wink wink*.

...for Ad.

no fun


I liked it.

I liked the central horseshoe tile a lot.
Demo Data


Featured Maps is great!! most of maps are really awsome, like this one

First try.

Quite fun. 4


I take it you're about ten? Because I remember the days when I wasn't allowed to swear. I used to share a room with my sis (20), shut the door, mutter a word like "Shit" and then beg her not to "tell". Then when I became a teenager I used them every other word, and now I'm restrained. I use them when necessary; say to emphasize a point. You'll just have to grow used to profanity I'm afraid.

yeah, alright.

thanks heh :)


there are a ton of better (err... better as in less offensive, though "idiot" and "stupid" cant be a good thing to be called (normally)) words that i use instead of cursing. But well... the word in the title is my worst one, though id never say any. Im not an enforcer, i dont beg people to stop saying it, but i dont want to use it, and dont have to.

maybe its because their overused... at least where i live. people here dont say something like "topic" or "purple" every 5 words, instead they use a curse word =S.

ps. thanks, fruitcake the details XD.
fuck the details. sorry im_bad_at_N, (i set it as Fruitcake The Details for a bit just so you know.) but um. i can't be fu- bothered. it seems a bit wrong considering the review is for a map called fuck the details. heh. swearings not really bad either. why are you so opposed to it? i mean words like c--t i don't use because it just sounds insanely vulgar and it's needless. but, most i find are just. like any other words to me... heh.


Tsk tsk.

the only thing that

I do not understand about this map is why oh WHY?!? did you decide to add the curse word?!? everything is great about this map except the title...

ps. im not a fan of cursing =P, dont take it personally.

pss. 5/5 map btw...
If you'd actually pay attention to anything but your own opinion, you might notice little things like Gloomp's preference for minimalism and avant-garde.

This is completely in keeping with this, and my assumption to counter yours would be that he genuinely enjnoyed this map enough to feature, absolutely regardless of author.

Well known authors tend to produce the best maps, that's how they became well known. If a new author has the right stuff, he/she will be recognized eventually (if they keep it up, or if their maps are stumbled upon).

Sadly, there's not enough time in the day to check every single map on NUMA, and (not so gloomily) your opinion of 'mediocre' isn't gospel.

First try AGD

Wheeeee. 3.5, rounded up.
Demo Data


Perhaps I should not criticize, but it seems the numa community oft correlates the meager with the meticulous. Had this been made by YMCA it would not, could not have been rated. Try it once; give a map unto a neophyte and see what happens. You shan't be surprised.


I liked this map when you first released it.

I still like it now.

Nice nice nice

Am sure I've played this one before.

Demo Data
IT is awesome

thanks guys :)

and thanks gloomp, a nice surprise :)
Excellent map. The top-right could be improved, but that's about it.
Demo Data

second try agd

3.5^ the map, and 4ave the words "angular bluff" and that silly sand metaphor :D
Demo Data
This isn't very complex, nuanced gameplay. It is a nice map, however.
Quite good.VERY minimalstic. Ridiculous name.

4/5. Would have been 5/5, but I'd already rated it at the time that I played it, I think about a year ago. Sorry 'bout that.
You really shouldn't lie to make your reviews read smarter :3

I like it XD fun and addictive :D 4/5
First Try AGD. Nice, simple, and bare.
Demo Data


That was easy for a featured map... I like it though
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I love stylized junk like this.
theres' no place like nazi germany



Right up my alley, this one.
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