The Breathing Room

Thumbnail of the map 'The Breathing Room'

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Author TheKitchenSink
Tags all-drones author:thekitchensink code-edited drones drones-only hard narrow one-tile-high race-ish unrated
Created 2008-03-21
Map Data

Description Very simple map. The jump pad is code-edited to be very weak; it's just there to get you up to speed.

Get from start to finish, and don't hit the two drones. Nothing else. Harder than it looks/sounds, but very possible. Ratings disabled as this map sucks balls and I know it.

Other maps by this author

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What enemies do in their spare time Tessellate Plan-Tation Salvador's Deli (Hard Version) Salvador's Dolly Salvador's Dolly (Hard Version)


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So close!
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