
Thumbnail of the map 'Twumpy!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DaggaFork
Tags 1337 author:daggafork cool dda rated thwumps
Created 2007-12-21
Last Modified 2007-12-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Here is the finished product.

Thank you to
for the tips.

EDIT: i fixed the wait at the bottom

woops. nvm to ned_newbie for the tips. i hate u.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'That Buggy Stalked Me All The Way Home' Thumbnail of the map 'Odd..Not wrong, just odd..' Thumbnail of the map 'SlOpiGnaChYo' Thumbnail of the map 'A Breaker Map' Thumbnail of the map 'Twumpy!' Thumbnail of the map ''
That Buggy Stalked Me All The Way Home Odd..Not wrong, just odd.. SlOpiGnaChYo A Breaker Map Twumpy!


Pages: (0)


Definitely include Hold Right as a tag or put it in the description.

My favorite things to see in a thwump dda are mid-air thwump launches with no downtime and when N hits the blue corners of thwumps. This DDA lacked both of those things. It also didn't have enough close calls with the laser.
its just that all the good close calls are at the begining so you dont really notice them.


Next time tell us in the description that it's hold right.

It's alright

shame there arent so many enemies


put in

a few zap drones, their very easy to integrate into any DDA


-1 for no close close
-0.5 for shortness
is length, 4/5, but -0.5 for the short-ness