Phoenix's not so small DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Phoenix's not so small DDA'

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Author PhoenixofChaos
Tags author:phoenixofchaos dda missile rocket unrated
Created 2007-12-08
Last Modified 2007-12-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My second DDA, I hope it's a good one.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Four laps, three locks, 1 N' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Block C' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Block D' Thumbnail of the map 'Prisoner's spiral' Thumbnail of the map 'Phoenix's Small DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Prisoner's Spiral, make 2'
Four laps, three locks, 1 N Prison Block C Prison Block D Prisoner's spiral Phoenix's Small DDA Prisoner's Spiral, make 2


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Wizard2 is right

All decent maps, not just DDA's, take time. I have the time, but not the paitence. Manaphy, which map again?
All, can you help me with another map, the Bounce Block Maze?

This dda is just too short, and i think that you are capable of making something much better than this.
Try working on a 1500 frame dda slowly, adding 200 frames a day. (taking 1 week in total)

Not rating this map.

cool map

it isn't that good but it is still cool.thanks for the 4.5 on my map and take crpytic's advice he is like the wise old man of DDA for people our level of mapmaking
HOLINESS ITSELF! I can't do that! Not yet, anyway.
Man, if only you could make groups, I'd invite people who are willing to help newbies out...
That's an idea...

Short DDA

There's nothing wrong with a short DDA. However, short DDAs are good if they're in small spaces and they're fast-paced.

This is a very good example:

That style might be better-suited to you since you don't like making big maps.

It did

Sorry, but I don't have the paitence for one of the really big ones... I try, but I fail

waaay to small

looks like it took 1 minute to make this 1