
Thumbnail of the map 'Mezmerize'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Bleach00
Tags action author:bleach00 playable rated
Created 2005-07-12
Last Modified 2005-07-14
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description First map from me for awhile. Fun, may provide a challenge, depending on your skill. I realize that the name doesn't really go with the level very well but I really couldn't think of a name, and I've been listening to a lot of the System of a Down album with that name.
EDIT: Easier now.
EDIT EDIT:Took more out, added an optional drone. Better or Worse?
EDIT EDIT EDIT:Fixed doors.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT:FIxed Drone NaN...gahh
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT:Fixed the damn thing again.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT:Oh my freakin' God theres been a lot of edits. Anyway, seeing as the drone doesn't want to work, I've changed it for an alternative exit route.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Chambers' Thumbnail of the map 'Lake of Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Pick Your Path' Thumbnail of the map 'Pixellate' Thumbnail of the map 'Closet Under the Stairs' Thumbnail of the map 'The House of Fallen Leaves'
Laser Chambers Lake of Fire Pick Your Path Pixellate Closet Under the Stairs The House of Fallen Leaves


Pages: (0)

Really easy now

Don't need to get half of the stuff
Demo Data

Still too hard, especially at the switches on the very left.


Edited, easier now.
Quite hard. Interesting, but hard. Lots of doors isn't usually a good thing. Go for simplicity, to match the tileset. 3.5/5


but a bit too hard. I like the tile set and how every thing was set out.4/5